Making Your World a Better Place !

Making Your World A Better Place
Hello and welcome aboard !
I firmly believe that each blog, each website and indeed, each life has a purpose.
It will be quite inappropriate to launch this website without elucidating the purpose.
As I introspect about the amazing 20 years since I commenced my professional journey, there are many experiences and learning that I want to share.
I hope you enjoy this potpourri of experiences across various facets of life, drawn mainly from my stints in five different service industries. The comprehensive list of facets that I want to talk about is arduously long and I will try and capture it in another post (before I get down to sharing my thoughts on each of those areas).
However, what reading from great thinkers like Edward de Bono has taught me is the art of “SIMPLICITY”.
So the purpose of this website in one simple line is
“Making Your world a better place“
I sincerely hope that I am able to make some difference and help in making your world a better place !
I will be happy to hear from you regarding your thoughts on making our world a better place and how this platform is faring against the objectives.