AI – Shaping New Era of Humanity

I had the privilege of speaking at an event organized by PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry, “AI – Shaping New Era of Humanity” on 13th June 2019.
The event provided a wonderful platform to discuss issues and opportunities arising from the rise and rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and it’s siblings.
A portion of the event were broadcast live on Facebook by the Knowledge Partner, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Centre and posted on YouTube by PHD Chambers. I have already snipped some extracts and posted on my YouTube channel in the form of short videos (i-3 minutes’ duration). However, I think it will be a good idea to post a video based story with my perspective on AI.
So, without further ado, here are some of the key elements that I have extracted from the discussions.
AI or Automation
First things first. People tend to confuse AI with automation and this gives rise to the popular narrative of AI as an annihilator.
Instead, we can be intelligent about the discussion and focus on the “I” (intelligence) of AI and look upon it as an augmentation of human capabilities.
What Do You Know That AI Doesn’t?
The above video gives us a direction and some clarity on how to approach AI. It is now time to get deeper into the subject.
We have a tendency to focus on what AI can do that mankind is not very adept at. However, what happens if we turn the tables? What are some of those elements that humans are very good at, but not AI?
The root of the answers lie in theories that were published in the 1960’s and are now known as Polanyi’s Paradox. Watch the video below (published on PHD Chamber’s YouTube channel) to know this and more.
Will AI Snatch Your Job?
Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Which jobs will AI take away? Isn’t this the question that is playing on everyone’s minds.
I will go with the adage that it is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future. However, what we can do is look into the patterns of predictions coming from different quarters of society. Watch this short video to get some insights in less than 90 seconds!
How Can AI Help Me?
If you have reached this far, heartiest congratulations! You have earned your reward and I am going to share one example of how AI can help you transform and re-imagine your business processes.
Watch this video, where I explain how we went about transforming the Talent Acquisition process using AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP).
If you want to know more, you can read my article on Recruiting using Artificial Intelligence.
Shaping the New Era
As I said earlier, we cannot control how AI shapes the new era of humanity. However, the impact of AI on all quarters of society and business is not going to be uniform. Hence, what really matters is your attitude towards AI and what you want to do about it.
I have learnt the ropes of AI from scratch and picked up programming in my 40’s. From these humble beginnings, I have gone on to conceptualize and develop several AI based solutions, that have been recognized internationally for innovation.
I strongly believe that this is not an exception and it is possible for all of you to leverage AI and related technologies, irrespective of your background. Consequently, I am now on a mission to democratAIze i.e. democratize the understanding of AI, and I look forward to exchanging thoughts and navigating the new world order together.
NB: Special thanks to PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Rohit Kumar, Vineeta Mehra and the Young Business Leaders Forum) for organizing the event; Kalam Centre for being the Knowledge Partner and their CEO, Srijan Pal Singh for moderating the insightful panel discussion and sharing his deep insights about the subject along with other panelists – Sanjay Lakhotia (CEO and Co-founder, Noble House), Keyur Faldu (Chief Data Scientist, Embibe) and Raman Batra (EVP, NIET).