Rajiv Maheshwari

Hello and welcome to my world.
What better way to celebrate 20 years of working (yes, achieved that milestone in 2014) than to share my experiences with you.
It has been a fascinating journey and as I introspect about what to share (and certainly, what not to share), the list is very long indeed !
The journey so far has been quite remarkable, all the way from an intern earning $5 per month, (I assure you that I am not drunk) to the CEO of the country’s (and the region’s) leading Intellectual Property Rights firm.
During this journey I have been fortunate enough to work in multiple industries, mainly professional, service and knowledge industries dealing with all aspects of business straddling strategy, people, processes and technology.
The one thing that I have seen remain constant throughout the last two decades is change. The impact of change has greatly amplified in the recent years led by SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud) in a VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous).
I hope these experiences help in making your world a better place !
Do let me know your feedback or give me a shout if you need any help. The idea of establishing this platform is to SHARE and to GIVE !
Rajiv Maheshwari
i like your site. it is good. keep working towards sucsess